Sunday, 24 February 2013

Food in Sight

Things appear to be in order for Hope to begin receiving donor breast milk tomorrow.  We are anxious to get her back to feeding, but are worried that the Chyle will come back.  It will be so discouraging if we have to start all over again with pure TPN and need to wait another month to attempt feeding.  Hope will receive the fat-free breast milk for 2 weeks before her regular feeds are introduced slowly and we see how she does.  History with Hope should teach me to not expect an easy road, but for some reason I am truly hopeful this will be a success.

This weekend Shawn and I had the privilege of celebrating our 5 year anniversary.  We had a wonderful evening out together and talked a lot about why we didn't go on more dates.  It is such a gift to spend time with him and I am going to work harder at making sure we have that time more often.  We also talked a lot about the dream vacation we plan to take when our little girl is more stable.  We need a second honeymoon after the year we've had!

Hope continues to be a delight and smiles all the time.  Today she sat on my lap playing with toys and smiling over at her Daddy.  Shawn and I both commented that she is so ready to come home and if we can get her eating, that can be a reality!

Hope's sweet nursey is not feeling very well at the moment.  Would you join us in praying that Rachelle would begin feeling better and get back to her old self quickly.  She is such a huge blessing to our family and Hope really loves her.  We sure miss not having her around all the time and care so much for her.


  1. Praying for Hope, Rachelle, and more date nights for you and Shawn! God is oh so faithful!! Praying that Hope will soon come home with you!!!

  2. Happy Anniversary, Amy and Shawn. Date night here always makes me want more of them.

    Prayers that all will go well for each of you, including Rachelle.

    HOPE-ful in Ontario.

  3. Nursey is the VERY best and will definitely pray for her. Germs won't keep her out of commission for long, praying she will be back 110% in record healing time. So glad you had an anniversary dinner and now appreciate the love you have for each other in an indescribable way. Second honeymoon will happen!
