Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Daddy Dates

This is all second hand information as I did not set foot inside the hospital today.  I missed my little Hope like crazy and I am already looking forward to seeing her tomorrow morning.  She had a great day with Shawn.  She had only one small spit up around dinner time.  That's an acceptable amount as even healthy children spit up a little.  Shawn took Hope outside in her stroller again today and spent 2 hours with her outside.  I'm so thankful that Hope has been able to get some fresh air for the last few days, I truly hope we're able to continue getting her outside.

We are praying that she will continue to do well on her feeds through the night.  By tomorrow morning, Hope will have been on 100% formula at her full volume for 24 hours.  If she made it through the night without vomiting, we should be heading home on her first pass!  We plan to bring her home and keep her overnight, but that will be up to the doctor.  Previously our doctor had said we could bring Hope home for a sleepover and return in the morning for a check up.  We'll see if that is still the plan, it all depends on how Hope is doing.

I feel much more relaxed and refreshed today than I did on Monday.  I think it was important for me to take a day away from the hospital.  This is the first time I've stayed away for 24 hours and not felt guilty.  I guess I realized how much I needed this and knew that it was best for Hope if her mom was re-energized and ready to care for her.

Tomorrow I'll head to the hospital in the morning and Shawn will spend the day with Sadie.  He had a few flex days at work that he needed to use and decided to spend them with his girls!  Sadie will be going to her first dentist appointment and then visiting the Science Centre with Shawn.  I would love to have Hope here at the house when she gets home!  I am hopeful that this will work, although I feel guarded after the disappointment last time.

Tonight I hope to get to bed early as tomorrow night I may be getting up through the night to change Hope's feed!  Please join us in praying that Hope will continue to tolerate her feeds and do well through the night and into tomorrow as well.  I pray we are on the home stretch for real this time.  I would love to not be sitting in TPN training on Monday morning.


  1. Amy, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 tell us " For these light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory which will FAR outweigh them ALL, for we live NOT by what is senn, but by what is unseen. FOr what is seen is TEMPORARY, and what is unseen is ETERNAL."
    I have never had a physically ill child, but I have suffered for 5 years watching my perfectly healthy soon rebel in ways that are devastating to a mother. GOd has taught me so much through a troubled marriage, and a rebellious son. I have learned that God's word has POWER. It has power to keep us, it has power to protect us, and mostly I have discovered it has the power to DEFEND us when we are under attack.
    USE God's Word as a weapon against the thoughts and emotions that seek to destroy you and steal your joy. This life is momentary, in comparison to eternity. THese troubles are fleeting, but they have purpose. I KNOW people are affected by your life and blog.
    I would like to encourage you to bring your bible to the hospital and speak it outloud over HOpe, speak it outloud when you feel happy (priase) and when you feel sad (lamenting). THere are scriptures for blessing! USe those over HOpe, and over her care givers. USE GODS WORD.
    The grace of the Lord JEsus Christ be with your spirit, AMEN.

  2. What an incredible husband and father!!! What a gift! I hope he had a great day with Sadie. :)
    Continued prayers for Hope and your little family. Looking forware to your next update.
