It's hard to believe that almost a year ago we were doing the Heart Beats run around the Stollery. Shawn and I weren't able to be with our team in Calgary, but decided to run anyway. This year we have the privilege of running along with our friends and family, but lost the privilege of snuggling with Hope when we finish. We depended on and deeply valued Heart Beats through our journey with Hope. I have set a lofty fundraising goal of $5,000 this year and am hoping to make it! The run takes place on October 19th.
Here is the link to sponsor my run online:
If that doesn't work, simply go to and select PLEDGE AN ATHLETE and then type in Amy Koslowski.
Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to having the free time to get more involved in the incredible and very practical ways that Heart Beats helps families in the midst of such a difficult journey.
As for our life, we passed another 21st and have now survived 4 months without Hope here. It honestly feels longer and we continue to miss her daily.
Sadie is currently sick, but we're hoping the antibiotics and steroid she started will get her back to her old self before we head out on our trip in 2 days. I'm not looking forward to being without her for so long, but I must admit the break from being a mother, a house cleaner and cook are very appealing. I'm not sure that my brain will know what to do with so much time to think about myself!
Thank you for continuing to encourage us and pray for our family. We are blessed.
Just dropped by to congratulate you, Shawn and Sadie on this new little life that is being produced. May this child be healthy, strong and bring you all peace, joy and contentment as you move through this newest chapter of your lives. God bless each of you and your marriage and continued commitment to Him, The Creator, of us all!