Friday, 23 November 2012

Clinging to Hope

It's Amy's mom again, Charlotte.......

This morning, at 8 a.m., Hope started bleeding again.  She has had 2 bloody diapers so far this morning.  She is in a lot of pain and is now on high flow oxygen, as her breathing has become more laboured.  An echo of her heart shows that there is decreased blood flow to one of her lungs.  She is looking more "puffy" as well.

The anesthetist spoke with the doctors in Edmonton this morning and told Amy and Shawn that there is even more concern, than originally thought, about the risk of putting Hope under anesthetic.  The doctors want to sit down with Amy and Shawn and discuss just how far they should push Hope in this regard.

The cardiologists are pouring over the echo and x-ray right now to see if they can pinpoint the cause of this restricted blood flow to Hope's lungs.

We are very aware that Hope's options are not looking good for her but we, nevertheless, continue to ask God for healing.  As long as she has breath, we will pray.  Our hearts are breaking and there simply are no words to describe the desperation you feel when someone you love so much appears to be slipping away before your eyes.

Please pray for all of us.  Pray for Hope that she will feel the arms, of the God that made her, wrapped around her crying over her.  Pray for Amy and Shawn, as they continue to fight for the life that is so very precious to them.  Pray for Sadie, that she will feel loved and secure, even though things are so disruptive for her.  Pray that God will be glorified and honored and praised amidst the pain and anguish of these uncertain times.

"Why am I discouraged?  Why so sad?  I will put my hope in God!  I will praise him again - my Saviour and my God." - Psalm 42:11 (NLT)


  1. Praying these very things. I pray you will continue to feel the presence of the Lord that loves you all so much with you through this...

  2. I found this blog through a mutual friend on Facebook. It breaks my heart to know Hope is this, and as a parent it more than breaks my heart knowing another parent has to make these decisions. No one should ever be faced with this. Praying for Hope, and for Amy, Shawn and Sadie.

  3. Oh Charlotte & Amy -
    We ache with you - and plead with God to spare Hope's life.
    We are this very minute laying hope at the feet of Jesus - holding tightly to our own baby girls.
    You are loved.

  4. Praying.

  5. Lord, we come boldy to your throne of grace to ask for mercy and grace for Hope and her family. We know she will be healed, Lord, but we boldly ask for her healing to happen on this earth. Why should the peoples ask where their God is? Show your power, Lord! We ask too that you would fill Shawn and Amy with the fire of your presence, that they would be strong and very courageous. And for Hope, Lord, that you would give her a mighty ministry, this little one that our adversary is trying so hard to destroy. We pray that she would be strong in the Lord and in Your mighty power, that she would advance against the very gates of Hell and take back ground. We pray for Sadie also that you would use these circumstances to speak truths into her life even at this young age of the reality of your presence, your comfort and your healing. So Father, mighty one who can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, hear the prayers of your people. Heaven come down!

  6. Also praying...We worship and awesome God. The sin of this world has already been overcome on the cross by God in the flesh, Jesus Christ.All sicknesss and disfunction be gone from Hope in Jesus' name.We claim for the one and only living God and askthat he surround her with his angels.Protect her God! You know our needs before we can speak them,when we can only groan and whimper desperately.I hold up Hope and her family and ask you to bless them in ways more than we can imagine.Shower them with your love. Give Hope's caregivers wisdom and skill that can only come from you.Glorify your self through Hope,this sweet little girl You created. In Jesus powerful name!! Amen

  7. I found this through my fb friend and her request to pray for Hope.
    I will do so and will have you in my thoughts.

  8. Continuing in prayer and intercession for you, and continuing to hope and expect miracles in Hope's body.-annie in toronto

  9. I am praying. Praying, asking for help, pleading. I do not know your family, and my heart is breaking at the thought of what you are going through. Hope has made me hold my babies tighter, and your unwavering faith is an inspiration. I continue to ask God for His help, and to bring your family peace and comfort quickly. Sending much love, prayers, and strength.

  10. My heart aches for you and your family. I will pray for all of you. For strength, for support, for health and for a miracle. In God we trust and have unlimited faith. - Lara

  11. Every blog post has brought tears to my eyes as I try (but fail) to comprehend the depth of your ache in seeing Hope go through this. I pray for healing! I pray for comfort! I pray for wisdom in making decisions. I pray for the peace the surpasses understanding to rest heavy like a warm blanket on all of you. You are not alone.

  12. Praying for all of you and sending so much love.

  13. I am praying karen's prayer over and over again. Have printed it. Power of the Holy Spirit flowing through her words. And having said that, a prayer that is equally as powerful because our God knows all is simply
    whispered...shouted...spoken. Jesus. Please. We call on your name.

  14. Praying. My heart is aching for you - how much more is our heavenly Fathers - may you feel his loving arms around you.

  15. I was directed to this blog through a mutual friend on facebook. I (obviously) don't know you, but I do live in Calgary and would be more than willing to help you if there is anything that needs to get done that you just can't get done on your own....I'm not sure what that would be, but I felt strongly that I should make the offer. Feel free to reply to this comment if there is anything that I can help you all with.

  16. I don't know you all. However, have followed your blog for a while now after being directed by a friend. Praying for Hope, Shawn, Amy and Sadie. Praying that the Lord's will be done and that peace and comfort and God's grace will be evident in your lives! Having seen a mother so caring for her daughter and all the love she has! Amy, my heart crys out for you and want you to know you are a very remarkable person! May God be extra close to you right now as you continue on this journey!!! Rom 8:28

  17. I am praying for Hope, Shawn, Amy and Sadie as well. I was shown this blog from a fellow CHD Mom. All the CHD Mom's in our community are praying for you.
    London, Ontario

  18. I am in a Facebook Moms group with someone who is in the same Moms group at church as Amy. I heard about Hope through her. I am praying for her and for her family and so is my small group at church. We are all lifting Hope up to our Heavenly Father daily.

  19. Praying for you all , this is all so heartbreaking

  20. God, you are the God of miracles. Nothing is beyond your ability. We ask in Jesus name for Hope to be healed. Like the woman who touched your Son's robe, we believe that one touch can heal and we ask for that power to pour over Hope tonight. Thank you for the way this tiny girl has touched so many lives and for bringing people to your alter Lord with their prayers. I thank you that her journey in this world has brought me closer to you Lord and has sent me to my knees over and over in prayer. Your Glory has truly been demonstrated by her life. God, send your comfort and peace to this family tonight Lord and help them to feel that you are with them. Give them strength for each day, give them fight for this battle, give them moments where they see you clearly working. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the Glory forever and ever Amen

  21. Continuing to ask for God's peace and strength, and miraculous healing. May he cradle you in His arms of love xxx

  22. We are praying for you all, Amy. There seem to be no words but the groaning of our spirits - but He knows those groans! You are wrapped in love and prayer and it is our honor and privilege and responsibility to pray for your family.

  23. What Karen and Alain said. Yes, we agree. My brother was healed of a rare inoperable brain tumour. Miracles exist, we come boldly and ask, Lord for the life of Hope that will most glorify You.

  24. Precious Father..soothe and comfort your dear daughter us ..surround us with Your Holy Presence... We lean on Your arms of your children through this heartbreaking time..we have no words to express what is in our hearts..but you know..and will heal in Your time and in Your way...we love you Lord...

  25. May the God of all comfort be Your Portion at this time... May you rest on His Shoulders to carry you.. may His Word and Faithfulness be your Strength... 1Pet.1:21 AMP.. Through Him you believe in (adhere to, rely on)God, Who raised Him up from the dead and gave Him honour and glory, so that your faith and HOPE are (centered and rest) in God.. I don't know your family personally but through a friend... my heart aches for you but am convinced that God is in control and will not let you go this alone!!!.. as said earlier.. For His Glory and honour.. sending some hugs and crying with you...

  26. Praying for all the things you listed.
