Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Hope Survived the Glenn!!

Today was a tough day.   The time went by way too fast in the morning and yet painfully slow at the same time.  We heard they were coming to take Hope just before noon and my heart began to race.  I rode on the stretcher with Hope to the surgical ward.  I cried as I handed her over to Shawn, as he was taking her into the OR.  There was no way to deny reality, Hope was going back into the OR and was having her Glenn.

We worked to keep ourselves distracted and pass the time quickly.  At 4 pm we set up chairs in the hallway that had a view of the entire hall.  At 4:30, I saw Dr. Ross coming down the hall, and I had to look away.  I was too scared to look into his face.  I didn't want to see disappointment or regret.  I looked down until he stood next to us and was ready to tell us about our sweet girl.

Dr. Ross started by saying that Hope did well.  He said that she had truly needed the surgery and it was  a good thing she'd had it.  I didn't feel it was an appropriate time to say, "I told you so!"  Hope's pulmonary artery was much smaller than they had thought.  Hope's blood flow to her lungs was not great and she will do so much better with the new and improved flow.  Her pressures are holding under 20 and appear to be stable.  They were able to easily get her central line in and hope to be able to pull it tomorrow morning.  Central lines are very dangerous for Hope.  If her pressures remain stable through the night, they'll pull it first thing in the morning.  She is still intubated and they hope to pull her tube in the morning as well.  Please pray for stable pressures and easy breaths for Hope.

The anesthetist had a lot of trouble getting an ART line in (a line that measures her blood pressure moment by moment).  The one that is currently in is causing some trouble, so please pray that the line is not lost.  This is going to be a difficult week as Hope adjusts to the new pressures in her body.  It is typical, after the Glenn, to have a headache that will last a few days.  We are praying for a hiccup free recovery, but know that we may face struggles as we work towards getting her home.

Our journey with Hope is long from over.  This surgery is a positive and necessary step and takes Hope to a more stable position in her health.  We still have a third surgery in the future, a clot in the liver that may make that surgery impossible and a lot of feeding issues.  We praise God for making the impossible possible today.  We move forward believing that God will continue to show His power through Hope's life and the hurdles she overcomes.  Thank you for praying with us through today!


  1. So thankful that the "Glen" is now over....all the prayers to get her to this spot, have come now. May God be with you all as she recovers, and as she heals from this very critical surgery.
    God is good, and yes is so faithful! Prayer is powerful....How I Praise God for this great news that this is finally done!!!
    May God bless you all, give you strength, comfort, peace, and lots of patience ahead with everyone that is working on your girl!
    She is one strong baby!!! She is stubborn, and so...that is a good thing! She will grow up to be a special young woman that God uses to Glorify HIM!!!
    Praising God with you that this is over!!! I know lots ahead, but one day at a time.
    Love to all!!

  2. Praise God! We have been praying for weeks now, ever since our daughter, Melanna, told us about you and gave us the link to your blog. We give Him all the glory! He is good!

  3. I am a stranger to you & your family, and yet your sweet daughter has left such an imprint on my heart! I have been following your blog since before Hope was born, and have been praying so ferverently! I have been checking the blog since 7:30pm tonight, and my heart just sunk when there was no post, fearing the worse! Happy tears filled my eyes when your post popped up!! All praise to our gracious Abba Father!!

  4. I am so excited and happy for you all! God knows Hope's little body better than any surgeon and He guided the hands of those in that room with her, I just know it! I know it's still a long road ahead, but what an amazing milestone you've reached!!

  5. You are so courageous and an inspiration. We will pray for your little girl. She is going to be an amazingly strong a faith-filled woman one day! God is good! Continue your amazing work!

  6. Thank you God! and will pray for smooth. hiccup free recovery!

  7. you are a real inspiration to all what a precious wee girl, it is great to 'see' how God is answering prayers, your journey has been very long but your faith has been wonderful God Bless you all xxx

    Anne (Scotland)

  8. What a wonderous God we serve!! We trust and pray that everything will be as it should. Much Love and Hugs Patricia

  9. What incredible news. I'm so happy for you and your family and precious Hope. She is a strong little girl surrounded by love.

  10. Praise God!!!!!

  11. Yay Hope!!!! Yay God!!! Best news I've heard in a while! Continuing in prayer for recovery and all the details. Hope you get some good rest for the next few nights, as i assume Hopewill be in the NICU or CCU... bless you guys.

  12. Karen Richardson8 November 2012 at 08:00

    A verse for Hope:

    "I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave." (Psalm 86:12,13)

  13. It is truly remarkable, clearly God is with you.

  14. So wonderful! We'll keep praying that all continues to go well.
