Monday 4 November 2013

A Precious Face

Last night was one of the worst sleeps I've had in a long time.  It was one of those nights where you long for morning to come so you can stop trying to sleep.  Finally my alarm went off and I got up to get ready.  Shawn and I had very little time to get Sadie ready and get in the car.  I'm not sure why I didn't just get up and start earlier, I guess I had hoped I would be sleeping.

We sat in almost the same place we sat as we waited for the ultrasound with Hope.  It's across from the kids play area and both times we had Sadie in tow.  As we went into the room I was nervous.  I was hoping the technician would begin with the heart, but she waited until later in the ultrasound to even take a look.  As soon as the probe was over the baby's heart, I could clearly see each of the four chambers.  I'm not sure I would have previously recognized this detail.  It struck me as I finally saw a healthy heart and realized how broken Hope's heart truly was.

I went into the ultrasound fairly confident that this baby was a boy.  I think in knowing that a baby girl would be more difficult for me emotionally, I believed that God would have mercy and give me a boy. You would think that I would have learned through our journey with Hope that life is difficult and we don't always get an easy ride.  When we found out that this baby was indeed a baby girl, I was surprised and emotionally numb for a moment.  It slowly set in and I knew that I was okay with it, but also needed to be very careful.  I don't want this baby girl to have to live in Hope's shadow and to fulfil the dreams that I missed out on with Hope.  This is a new creation, and we want her to know that we want her to be an individual.  We are thrilled that Sadie gets to have the sister she's been asking for and I'm good at raising girls, it's all I know!

The doctor came in shortly after looking everything over.  She agreed that this little girls heart looks to be healthy.  She would still like us to have an echo done.  An appointment was booked for 2 weeks from now.  An echo will allow them to see clearer detail of the heart and with our history, this could be important.  I'll likely relax a lot more after this echo is finished and we know this girl has a healthy heart all over.

This pregnancy has not been easy.  Emotionally I've done fairly well, I have my moments of rubbing my belly and remembering those safe moments we had of Hope in my belly.  Most of the time I look forward to the experiences I missed out on with Hope.  I want to hold my baby right after she's born, to nurse her, to bring her home and to not have to insert feeding tubes or give injections.  My hips and my pelvis have been a whole new level of horrible.  When I look back at my pregnancy with Hope I can now see how much better my body handled it.  I have such severe pressure in my pelvis that I can barely walk at times and often struggle to fall asleep because of the pain.  I continue in treatments and am doing what I can, but I know these next 20 weeks are going to be long and difficult.  I would rather suffer pain in pregnancy, than have my baby suffer pain in life.

Thank you for praying for us, for the health of this baby and for this transition in our lives.  We praise God for a healthy baby girl and the opportunity to raise another child.  Please pray for us as we prepare to bring home another girl.  I cannot forget preparing for Hope's birth and many of the clothes and blankets I put into the drawers will be the same.  Please continue to pray for each of us as we get ready to enter a new transition.  Most of all, praise the Lord with us for this precious blessing.


  1. Praise God for this healthy, precious baby girl! What a gift :-) I will continue to pray for you as this news sinks in, and you prepare your hearts, minds, and home for your newest daughter....

  2. I prayed for you today, and am so happy to hear that all looks well with your baby girl. Thank you for the update :)

  3. This is truly amazing news & this baby is so lucky to be born into your family. Hopefully the discomforts of pregnancy will ease up & the birth of a healthy baby will help forget the physical pain.

  4. Thank you for sharing your journey you are an incredible inspiration. This precious baby is lucky to have such an amazing family. Praying for this baby and your pregnancy, hopefully the pain will start to subside. God bless you and your family

  5. Thank you Lord for this precious baby girl. I pray a blessing over her and her mother during this special time of pregnancy. I ask Lord that You would relieve the pressure that Amy has in her hips and pelvis, that she would be able to walk and sleep and do her life's duties pain-free. Give her the strength and energy she needs to finish the next half of pregnancy. Bless this family in the name of Jesus, they have been so faithful to You Lord. May this new baby girl not live in a shadow of her sister(s), but have her own identity and find her purpose in You Jesus. In your name I pray, Amen.

  6. I am in tears after reading, "I could clearly see each of the four chambers." What a miracle!! Congratulations on your precious baby girl. Praying for you all every day. And praying for your discomfort to ease!!

  7. Thank you for sharing such beautifully your news & heart! I have a friend who experienced a couple losses with babies and her advices in her next pregnancies. I wonder if you want to read through some of her history & advices. Just a thought. (it came to me as I read about the "same blankets" etc). ~Wendy - Norway

  8. PTL ~ four chambers! :) Will continue to pray for your family daily.
