Sunday, 21 October 2012

A Mystery Again.

Hope remains in the PICU this evening and we don't have any answers.  Her heart function appears fairly good.  A slight decline but almost too small to notice.  She is still on oxygen, but has been weaned down to 2 litres from 4.  She had urine and blood samples sent for testing, both came back showing nothing.  We were hoping for an easy answer, but did not receive one.  Her white blood cell count is elevated slightly (a sign of infection).  They have no idea what's going on and have started her on antibiotics as a precautionary measure.

The plan tonight was to start giving her a very small amount of food to see how her stomach would tolerate it.  Hope is not receiving enough calories lately and we worry that her weight will drop and cause issues before her next surgery.  We are praying against anything that will cause a delay in surgery.  The thought of a delay, and Christmas in Edmonton, is almost too much to think about.

We are in our new apartment now and that is a huge blessing.  It's so nice to have our own kitchen, a family room and 2 bedrooms.  We're able to put Sadie to bed on time and still have the freedom to get things done.  With Hope back in PICU, we aren't able to stay with her and are hoping for a good nights sleep.  We're exhausted and could use a good sleep tonight.  Please continue to pray for Hope, she needs your prayers.


  1. Praying for a good night's sleep for both of you!

  2. praying this is all resolved quickly and well. and praying for you and shawn... for that peace that surpasses understanding and for refreshing in your bodies and spirits... what a road you're on. we are holding you up in prayer.

  3. Aha! Finally a way I can help! (Maybe?) Was away from town for a few days, so am just catching up on your posts. But if you are in an apartment now, perhaps I could bring you meals occasionally? I would be so blessed to do that for your family if I could. I have had the flu shot but could drop off super-quick to keep your home as germ-free as possible. You can contact me at Cant wait to hear from you. :)

    Karen Richardson

  4. Doug a friend of Sieg & Edie Koslowski23 October 2012 at 22:55

    I lift you, your husband, Sadie and Hope to the ONE who understands, cares,loves,and wants to exceed your needs right at this time, beyond your expectations. I bring "all" to the "foot of the "CROSS", the place where all provisions, victories,sickness, pain, anxiety,all needs..were met completely. I verbally release "all" of HOPE'S needs and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to give all of us the ability to leave "all" in HIS CARE!! better place...all of your needs will be met by the same MASTER also!I believe HE is reaching out right now and releasing HIS power, the same "power" when the lady touched the "hem of HIS flowing out to "you", your husband, HOPE your family!HE LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO "HOLD" YOU RIGHT NOW!!REST FULLY IN HIM!
