Thursday, 5 January 2012

Almost too close...

2 months ago when Hope was diagnosed I thought April 13th would never come.  Today I couldn't stop thinking about how close it was, too close.  Hope is completely healthy and safe while in the womb and that gives me a lot of peace, coming into the world is truly a death sentence for her without surgery.

Sadie has been sick over the last week and is finally feeling a lot better.  As we finish off croup and an ear infection, Sadie is now getting all 4 eye teeth at once and has some trouble falling asleep at night.  Tonight as I sat in the chair rocking her back to sleep I fell in love once again.  I wasn't in a hurry to put her back to bed, I could have held her until morning.  She will truly sacrifice so much having a sister that needs so much care.  This experience has already changed the way I parent Sadie and I see the changes in Shawn as well. When Sadie asks for a bath, it doesn't seem like a drag, the park seems like a fun idea and going out during the day to make her happy is a joy.  When she screams for no reason and drives me crazy, it doesn't ruin my day, only the moment and I seem to forget about it quickly.

Today I got a letter from the children's hospital in Edmonton confirming our visit in February, I'm sure the time will go quickly before we're there and the short road to Hope's arrival will be right in front of us.  We realize now that our lives, our marriage and our future will never be the same.  We have finally come to a place where we truly understand that we NEED God and not just choose him.

I'm in the process of planning a long weekend away for Shawn and I in February.  Sadie will be staying with her grandparents and then some friends of ours.  We realize that this may be our last 'getaway' for a long time.  It's a sad thought as we know the importance of taking time away to keep our marriage healthy and strong.  Please pray for protection upon our marriage as we enter a season that won't easily allow for us to focus on one another without distraction.  We want this experience to make us closer than we ever imagined and not break us down, we pray that the enemy doesn't try to attack us while we're down.

Thank you for caring about my family and continuing to read our updates.
It feels like just yesterday that we welcomed Sadie into our family and entered the world of parenthood.  Today I spent time looking back at those early days and longing for something so easy with Hope.


  1. Amy thank you for sharing that message of love and appreciation for our children. It really connected with me as Trevor and I realized how quickly our daughter is growing up, and how much things have changed, and how much we miss certain things. Your story is another reminder of how important it is to hold, and love our babies a little extra each day, and not rush them so much to grow up, but appreciate and celebrate them as they are our sweet babies. Thank you for your faith, your story, and your courage to share it all with me.

  2. I was diagnosed at the age of 24, I've had this since September 2019 and it runs my life until I came to know of Dr Itua herbal center- thankfully not as bad as it used to be after drinking dri itua herbal medicines for two weeks which really helped me now I've had no limit how much I do massively. I had two jobs, one full time and one part time, have my horse to care for and would also help friends with their horses. Have since had to accept that I only have one job (to take care of my health) and still care for my horse with help... Dr Itua also cures all sorts of chronic illness and diseases with his herbal medicine he can cure hiv,herpes,Lupus,Hpv,cancer, and other human body infections.
    Visit his herbal website or email This is an illness I wouldn't wish on my enemy
