Thursday 14 March 2013

Smooth Sailing

Hope is now on 10 mls of breast milk.  Today they worked on increasing her concentration and will continue to increase her volume tomorrow.  She's done very well and continues to show that she is tolerating it very well.

Sadie had a bout of diarrhea today.  We are praying that her tummy just didn't agree with something that she ate and that this is not the start of rotavirus.  It is everywhere, they now have signs up around the hospital and should have them up in schools!  Please join us in praying that it stays out of our house.    We are hoping that Hope is the only one that will have it in this family and that we won't have this inconvenience.

With everyone being sick, we've had lots of cuddlers cancel.  We obviously understand and don't want anyone sick around Hope.  It is still a lot of work to figure out alternate plans and figure everything out.  Tonight we have craziness as Shawn needs to get to the hospital to sleep over, but I need the car here so Sadie and I can get around tomorrow.  We can't go over to the hospital with Sadie asleep in our home by herself.  So now we have Shawn's brother coming over to sit with Sadie while I drive Shawn to the hospital and come back with the car.  Hope needs to hurry up and get home so we can have both kids in one place.

I asked the doctors today if I could bring Hope home on continuous feeds or if she'd need to get back on bolus feeds.  They agreed that she could go home on continuous feeds as they would keep her on them for a week or two.  That will involve getting up every 4 hours in the night, but that's better than every 3 hours with bolus feeds!  One step closer to living under one roof as a family.

1 comment:

  1. Praying Hope continues to do well with her feeds and strength and health for you and your family today..
